"Both an actual concept and an operational idea. But it's also a metaphor for different way of thinking about education"
Flash Rosenberg imagines how the ideas in IMAGINE are tackled, tickled and teased-out by the author Jonah Lehrer.
direction and live-drawing: Flash Rosenberg
video edit: Lin Sorensen
narration: Jonah Lehrer
"IMAGINE: How Creativity Works" by Jonah Lehrer
published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
animation © Flash Rosenberg 2012
Most people believe they know what critical thinking is, but they have trouble defining it. Gary Meegan uses one of Richard Paul's definitions and takes it apart, looking at what critical thinking involves and just how important it is. For an in depth look at the Elements of Thought go to: www.theelementsofthought.org.
Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening? Here's Julian Treasure to help you fix that. As the sound expert demonstrates some useful vocal exercises and shares tips on how to speak with empathy, he offers his vision for a sonorous world of listening and understanding.
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PBL provides a unique opportunity to help students practice critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. Learn how to optimize the environment for teamwork in your classroom. More resources at: https://www.edutopia.org/blogs/tag/pbl-planning
YouTube, Vimeo, Ted Ed, Ted, Edutopia, Fabmeb.com, play-storming.com, Loromedia, and Anthony Robbins.