Criminal justice system in US

Where do Trump and Hillary stand on issues such as police brutality and mass incarceration?

Trump and Hillary mostly had separate conversations about criminal justice. But as in 2016 the violent crimes are more sharp compared to last year, Congress has proposed bipartisan legislation to reform components of the criminal justice system such as shortening the sentences of nonviolent drug offenders and easing the path of former convicts back into society.

Hillary Clinton

Clinton has more to offer in combating police violence. She seeks to strengthen the bonds of trust between communities and police through a number of measures. She has promised to set guidelines to determine when deadly force is warranted and when it is not. She also supported the Black Lives Matter Movement, which advocates equal treatment of African American by police. Emphasizing on the data transparency, she has pledged to increase the collection and reporting of national data when it comes to crime.

Hillary on Criminal Justice Reform



In a campaign on Law enforcement in February,he stated that the police in USA are mostly underappreciated. He said, "Sure,there'll be a bad apple," and "It ends up on the news for two weeks,and everybody hates the police. The fact is: they do an excellent job." Very often he has stressed on the importance of respecting the police. He expressed his sympathy for the two African Americans who died in the police involved killings in July as 'senseless,tragic deaths'

Trump has been vocal about letting the police do their job to prevent violent crimes though he had stated that he is tough on harsher punishment.

picture credit-Daniel Nott

Mass Incarceration

It refers to the unique way in which U.S has locked up a vast population in federal and state prisons as well as local jails.More than 2 million people have been incarcerated in U.S. prisons as well as local and county jails. The 'tough on crime' philosophy of 1980's 90's was combined with the 'war on drugs' led to a legislation that used jail cell as the first rather than last resort.

Mass Incaceration

She has promised to focus mostly on decreasing the sentences of low-level,nonviolent drug offenders.She would seek to treat and rehabilitate the nonviolent, first time offenders.Finally she pledged to end the privatization of prisons-private industry incentives that may contribute to over incarceration.

Trump has not released any specifics on how he would handle mass incarceration. But his comments have portrayed him as the candidate who will be tough on crime.

Racial Profiling

Trump has actively encouraged the practice of profiling, specially to prevent acts of terror. Just after Orlando shooting, Trump pointed to Israel as a nation that did profiling 'successfully' before adding," And i hate the concept of profiling but we have to start using common sense and we have to use our heads.

Clinton's policy focuses on the need to eradicate racial profiling as a police tactic.She said,"There is something profoundly wrong when African American men are far more likely to be stopped by the police and charged with crimes and given longer prison terms than their white counterparts." She is quite determined on ending racial profiling when "conducting routine or spontaneous investigatory activities."