Common Chemical in Your Home

How we use the chemical

~Cleaning off mold
~Brighten up glass and dishware
~Kill weeds in walkways
~Get rid of moss and algae
~Keep whites on clothes and sheets bright

The chemical compounds in bleach, pick one and research the chemical formula.

Sodium (Na), Chlorine (Cl), Oxygen (O).

Sodium Hypochorite (NaClO)

This is produced by sodium hydroxide is exposed to chlorine gas and the reaction between these two create sodium choride and water.

Negative effects

Extreme irritation of the the nose, eyes, lungs and skin if exposed. Serious effects of bleach include respiratory problems, skin burns, damage to the nervous system, asthma flairs, extreme headaches, migraines and vomiting. But the most harmful of all is when mixed with ammonia, vinegar or any other acid material, it can emit horrible toxins into the air and these toxins can be deadly, usually when inhaled. Bleach is toxic to all, humans, animals, environment and plants.

Effects in the enviroment

When bleach reaches water, it reacts with other minerals and elements forming dangerous toxins to the air. Including dioxins, furams, persistent organic pollutants leaving them linger in the soil and or water for years.

Bleach is also one of the leading causes of cancer to animals. In fact, dixons caused the bald eagles population to decrease in the mid-2000s. Bleach are still reducing population of fish and birds near the great lake especially to this day.

A bleach alternitive

An alternative would be making your own white cleaning solution. Less harmful still using strong products, this includes;
~Very hot water
~1 cup of laundry detergent
~1 cup of powdered dish washer detergent
~1 cup of bleach
~1/2 of borax

Still using bleach, but in a less harsh manor.

By Grace Newitt