Summer Sale

Dear collector,
We are pleased to share with you our biggest sale ever. This catalog represents the majority of works on our premises at the moment. In typical gallery models, works are on view for a very short time, then stored for a while longer, then returned to the artist. This results in many works getting far fewer eyes on them than they deserve. Afterall, many art lovers just can't make it to every show they want to within the short period it is on view.

Williams Fine Art was conceived first and foremost out of a desire to help artists continue being artists by showing their works, and selling them, to the best of our ability. To do so means we often break with the typical way of operating that inadvertently can put profits over the person of the artist. Many galleries do not offer sales on their whole inventory, arguing (with merit) that it can make pricing seem arbitrary, or devalue the artist's work. The reality is, with the disruption of the past few years and the happenstance of a show's timing, some works just don't get a fair shake. Putting them on sale can breath life into them and gives both artist and collector a chance to benefit.

I hope you will take advantage of this rare sale. Please use the code 20 AUGUST to receive 20% off your purchase. This includes everything in this catalog and on our web site, and runs for the month of August.

If you have any questions, or would like additional photos of a work, just contact the gallery. You can also make an appointment to come and see works in person.




In the Green Time


Silver Days


Cocktail Hour


A Summer Morning


300 Main Street
Wenham, MA 01984
