In the Garden

new work by Ginny Williams

Eight Years!

This month marks 8 years since Williams Fine Art Dealers opened its doors. It is hard to believe and an achievement of which I am very proud. It is especially poignant that this show of my work will be the last show in our current gallery space. When I first opened the gallery, having a solo show for myself never even entered my consciousness. Through my interactions with collectors, friends, and the amazing artists I represent, I honed my skills and my vision and am pleased to be presenting this show, In my Garden, to round out Williams Fine Art's time at 300 Main Street.
For some time, the majority of our sales have been through online channels, so I have made the decision to move WFAD online. Doing so will allow me to focus on promoting our artists to the broad world online while streamlining my ability to pursue my own work.
A small, private exhibition space is in the works for our loyal local customer base, so there will be more to share on that in the future.
For now, I just want to say thank you for your patronage, and your encouragement. In a world of so much struggle, I love putting a little bit of light out there through beauty.

Practical Considerations

Works can be purchased directly through this catalog. Pressing the "purchase" button will take you to the appropriate page on my web site to complete your transaction. If you would like to make multiple purchases, you may find it easier to go directly to my web site, click on the "In the Garden Collection" and navigate from there.

Images of works hung in interior spaces are designed to give you a sense of scale. They are as accurate as possible, but especially with the larger works, I encourage you to measure your space to get an idea of size. Looking at big paintings on a little screen can be deceiving!

The show will hang at Williams Fine Art Dealers, 300 Main Street, Wenham, MA for two weeks.

A Note from the Artist

Dear Friends,
This catalog contains a large portion of the work I have been doing for the past year. I continue to learn and grow as I strive to make paintings that are beautiful, thoughtful, and joyful. These days especially, I find great comfort in dwelling on the beauty of the natural world--its resilience and strength. I hope these pieces delight your emotions as well as your eyes. Sometimes at the easel I feel playful, sometimes pensive-if you sense these things in my work then I consider it a success. We often think of painting as a one-sided thing, but it is much more akin to a dialog. We each bring something critical and personal to the conversation, learning about ourselves and each other through the process.
In her poem, Instructions for Living a Life, Mary Oliver wrote:
"Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it."
I find great joy in being astonished. Painting is how I tell about it.
Thanks for joining me on my journey and letting me be a part of yours.

Spring Riot


Thank you for your patronage

Williams Fine Art Dealers

300 Main Street
Wenham, MA 01984
