Moving to Italy


Ciao bella!

Welcome to Moving to Italy - The Key Steps!

I'm Life Coach Sophie and I followed my dream of moving to Florence, Italy nearly ten years ago - and I have flourished ever since! I've even managed to cure myself from anxiety disorder because I finally moved to the place that truly makes me feel alive. I'm sure you can relate to the feeling!

Moving to Italy is your dream and you'd do anything to make it happen, right? Well, I wrote this guide for you because I want to help you turn your Italian dream into reality. Enjoy finding out what key steps will allow you to finally live your dolce vita!


This might sound like a strange first step, but it is key in moving forward and actually taking the necessary action to turn your dream into reality.

There's a BIG difference between just dreaming about moving to Italy, and actually making it happen. This guide is for serious go-getters who are willing to do whatever it takes to make their Italian dream come true. So, it all starts with deciding that YES, this is possible, and YES, I really want this (and, no, you're not crazy for wanting this!).

You can achieve anything you set your mind to.

It starts with being fully convinced that this is possible for you. Are you? Be really honest here. Is it just a dream and do you like the idea of Italy or is this a non-negotiable and are you willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen? The difference is key between failure and success.


There's a huge difference between saying: "I want to move to Italy!" and "I am going to move to Florence in June 2020 and I'm currently looking for a language school in Santo Spirito because that area resonates with me most."

The first statement is just a dream and doesn't show any real intention of taking any inspired action. By the way, I always say: Italy doesn't exist; it's so big and so different depending on what town you go to that it's impossible to be "okay with wherever you'll land." It just shows that you're not informed enough about the place you say you want to move to.

The second statement has specificity, a time frame, an intention for action and clarity about exactly where and why this person wants to move. No need to explain, right? You just feel the determination.

So, be intentional, be specific and then start taking action steps to turn your vision into reality,


We're taught to always take everybody else's opinions and needs into consideration, which only leads us farther and farther astray from what we truly want.

Moving to Italy is a BIG step; you'll move far away from your family, friends - maybe even your relationship. Are you ready to deal with all the criticism, the "are-you-crazy?", the weird looks on people's faces when you tell them about your Italian dream?

This can be a slippery slope, because if you keep giving your power away to other people and what they think, you might never end up in Italy. One of the most horrible things is having to look back on your life and feel regret.

So, what are you going to do? Let your life be decided for by others or will you finally start living life YOUR way doing what YOU love? Time to be healthily selfish here. In the end, it's YOUR life.


I decided I wanted to move to Florence a year prior to actually moving there. This year of preparation allowed me to save money (I set a 10k goal, it was gone in about 7 months without working in Italy), it allowed me to find a language school, find housing, to sell my furniture and find new renters for my house. I could round off a study programme that allowed me to go back if I decided to. This was the same for my job, which I could get back after what was supposed to be a "sabattical year", same with some other arrangements, like health insurance, etc.

All of this organisation allowed me to go to Florence with peace of mind - and also kept some doors open, in case I decided to go back home. Having no pressure on this experience allowed me to live it fully, with no expectations. This way Florence could show her true colours to me con calma and I got to decide whether I liked them. I loved them and have never considered moving back home again!

A presto, bella!